Young People

Krystal's story

I wanted Krystal to experience a supportive working environment where she can get some real world experience, so when the time comes for her to attend her first job interview, she will have more confidence in herself.

Krystal smiling standing in front of black cabinets with hand painted drawings

Written by Sarah, Employment Coach

‘Building confidence in herself’

Krystal is a 17 year old student at Burnside State High School with autism. Krystal is shy and softly spoken, which can make job interviews daunting.

I wanted Krystal to experience a supportive working environment where she can get some real world experience, so when the time comes for her to attend her first job interview, she will have more confidence in herself.

I approached a local employer that I have worked with before. I know they are very supportive and will spend time with Krystal to teach her about working in a retail environment. The owner/manager of this business is also the President of the local Chamber of Commerce, so I am hoping that his local knowledge and relationships with local business owners will help Krystal find long term sustainable employment at the end of her Ticket to Work placement.

I discussed Ticket to Work with the business owners and they were happy to meet with Krystal, and soon took her under their wing.

I provided travel training for Krystal as her mum Robyn was a bit concerned about her catching the bus on her own. The training involved making sure she felt confident about what bus to catch, having a go card ready and all she needed to know about catching public transport independently. We did the first trip together on her first day then she had the confidence to do the next trip on her own. We also had the discussion about where she would go if ever she felt uncomfortable at the bus stop, or if someone was making her nervous.

I have visited the employers, Tim and Lee have said Krystal is greeting the customers with more confidence and has picked up the use of the computerized till, eftpos system and stocktake with no troubles at all. Tim has advised that he showed Krystal how to do it once, and she was fine to carry on by herself from there.

“Krystal is a lovely young lady and we enjoy having her in our shop, we are looking forward to teaching her more, she is starting to come out of her shell” said Tim