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International presentation from Milton Tyree, expert in Customised Employment
July 18, 2024

International presentation from Milton Tyree, expert in Customised Employment

Two free webinar engaging with employers to secure meaningful and sustainable employment opportunities for young people with disability in Australia.
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Source Kids Magazine featuring NCED
May 14, 2024

Source Kids Magazine featuring NCED

NCED was featured in Source Kids Autumn magazine. Australia’s premier magazine for parents of children with a disability. Read our article to kick start a young person with a disability's Career Journey.
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Ticket to Work News- Summer edition
March 7, 2024

Ticket to Work News- Summer edition

Welcome to the summer news edition. Read our news on how we are evolving our work to include more policy analysis, more research and evaluation. Our website is getting an update and fresh new look, and we are also changing our name.
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University for people with intellectual disability
March 4, 2024

University for people with intellectual disability

All students should be supported to achieve the educational outcomes they desire, including people with intellectual disabilities. We have put together a snapshot of the literature that exists on inclusive higher education. It provides an overview of the critical issues related to potential opportunities in Australia.
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Customised Employment and Employment Service Transformation resource
Nov. 17, 2023

Customised Employment and Employment Service Transformation resource

Building stronger employment sector capability - service transition support resource materials.
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Ticket to Work- Winter edition
Aug. 22, 2023

Ticket to Work- Winter edition

Welcome to the winter edition of the Ticket to Work news. In this edition we share our Inclusive Career Development tools, learning and community practice guidelines, our story on the Geelong Inclusion Network (GIN) and Sara Murphy from TransCen from the USA presentations.
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