Customised Employment

Sarah's story

Serco Employee Sarah enjoys working in the HR department for Serco at Fiona Stanley Hospital. Sarah works four days a week in a role that was specifically designed to maximise her skills and abilities. The job involves a range of tasks including the assembling of induction packages and greeting new staff.

Sarah sitting at her desk holding a folder up

Sarah – Serco Employee

Sarah enjoys working in the HR department for Serco at Fiona Stanley Hospital. Sarah works four days a week in a role that was specifically designed to maximise her skills and abilities.

The job involves a range of tasks including the assembling of induction packages and greeting new staff. As a ‘Count Me in Ambassador’, Sarah has demonstrated that hard work, determination and getting the right support can help you get your dream job. Sarah’s advice to other job seekers with disability is “be involved, don’t lose heart, take every opportunity and see what happens.”

A Valuable Employee

Sarah says that every day is a new day and considers her work valuable. Whether it is attending to induction packages, training packages, or general administration, Sarah is there to help. In doing so, Sarah has helped reduce the workload of the entire HR department and her colleagues are able to focus their attention on their areas of specialisation.

Her pathway from School to Work

Sarah’s journey to her dream job began at Leeming Senior High School Education Support Centre, where she learned many important skills including public speaking, using public transport and money handling. Following work experience placements at various worksites in the retail and social services sectors, Sarah realised that she wanted a job where she could help people. Further discussions with her family, school and Ticket to Work network revealed Fiona Stanley Hospital as the place she wanted to work. This meant that Sarah was so well prepared that during a chance meeting with Fiona Stanley, she proudly said, “I want to work at your hospital.” Thankfully, Fiona recognised how great an employee Sarah would be and facilitated a meeting with her employer, Serco.

“I love my job, I love that I can help everyone and that I am part of the team” Sarah

This project is proudly supported by the Disability Services Commission of Western Australia. Original article from National Disability Services in April 2017.