
Skills & Jobs Summit

The Skills and Jobs Summit was held this month with a focus on expanding employment opportunities for all Australians including the most disadvantaged. We had two young people and our Executive Director Travers McLeod be part of a panel session.

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There has been a lot happening in the last month with the Menzies Oration and the Federal Government Skills & Job Summit.

Each year the Menzies hold its Oration as a public lecture to stimulate and challenge the Australian public on an important topic within the community. This year Menzies Oration series presents, Do I have a future? A better deal for young people in Australia. The Brotherhood of St. Laurence (BSL) Executive Director, Travers McLeod spoke at the event with a focus on young people. Watch the Menzies Oration full event here. Travers outlined a five-point plan for young people including those with disability to get a better deal in Australia. He was later joined by a panel of young leaders, including two BSL participants, who shared their experiences.

The Skills and Jobs Summit was held shortly after which brought together Australians, including unions, employers, civil society and governments, to address our shared economic challenges. We were pleased to see that there was a focus on expanding employment opportunities for people with disability. Travers was invited to attended both days of the Summit. BSL was well represented at the Federal Government’s Jobs and Skills Summit, with Travers being part of a panel session about how Australia’s current social security and employment services systems create poverty traps, and how we can work together to build better pathways for economic and social participation. On the second day of the Summit, two of BSL participants courageously shared their stories on the lived experience panel. You can read Travers comments and watch his clip.

On the lead up to the Summit we ran a workshop to gather information from our Ticket to Work Network partners to discuss the current challenges and opportunities they are experiencing when improving school to work transition for young people with disability.  We would like to thank our Networks and partners for taking the time to share their current experiences. All the information collected will help lead discussions on best practice in communities.

We look forward to seeing the outcomes of both the Summit and Oration so we can continue to improve the lives of young people with disability.