
After School Jobs Pilot

We are pleased to announce some exciting news, we were successful in getting three years funding for Ticket to work. With the funding we are looking at furthering our resources and support to the networks, in-line with the Ticket to Work approach.

young man leaning against a bench in a cafe wearing a apron

We are pleased to announce some exciting news, we were successful in getting three years funding for Ticket to work.

With the funding we are looking at furthering our resources and support to the networks, in-line with the Ticket to Work approach.  

As part of the funding we have began to implement a pilot to explore the effects of an after-school job on a young person with disability. After school jobs for many young people are a rite of passage for adolescence, yet currently there is limited support for a young person with intellectual disability to participate. The pilot will explore the experience and long term effect for students with disability participating in an after school job.

We have partnered with Latrobe University to assist us in our advocacy to ensure all Australian students with significant disability have the opportunity to participate successful in after-school work.