
1,000 jobs for young people with disability

Over 1,000 young people with disability have found work thanks to Ticket to Work Networks. Ticket to Work links schools, employment services and employers to young jobseekers with disability allowing them to focus on their employment dreams in a safe and supportive environment.

image of a TV screen and inside says in the media and has the ticket to work logo

Over 1,000 young people with disability have found work thanks to Ticket to Work Networks.

Ticket to Work links schools, employment services and employers to young jobseekers with disability allowing them to focus on their employment dreams in a safe and supportive environment.

Ticket to Work participant Nomaan said “If I think about where I am today, I don’t think I could have done it without Ticket to Work. I’ve got so much more independence. I am working, I’ve got my own personal car and finances. I couldn’t ask for a lot more at the moment.”

This week we celebrate International Day of People with Disability with a focus to ‘leave no one behind’.

Across Australia there is an unacceptably high rate of unemployment for people with disability – and it’s not for lack of desire.

NDS Chief Executive Dr Ken Baker said: “Many people with disability want to work, but too often they face barriers – like physical access and attitudes – and can feel locked out from jobs. If they are discouraged from engaging with the world of work when young, they are more likely to be dependent on welfare over the long-term. Ticket to Work shows us that with the right encouragement and support young people with disability can thrive in employment. Boosting employment opportunities for people with disability must be a priority for governments.”

Data shows the number one indicator of whether young people participate in employment post-school is experiencing work while at school.

Catherine a Parent of Ticket to Work participant said “Ticket to Work was the first time that a job had been presented as a possibility for my son. Previously the school kept telling me not to have too high expectations. Now he is working!”

Brendan O’Connell, Executive Officer of the BGKLLEN said “It’s just amazing to see what these students can do when given opportunities. Employers always say the students are eager to work and their workplace really values them as employees.”


Contact information

Katherine McLellan, Director of Communications, National Disability Services (NDS) 02 9256 3168,

1000 jobs media release