Customised Employment

Customised Employment (CE) is a set of universal principles and strategies to improve open and self-employment outcomes for people with disability.

Customised Employment uses an individualised approach — one person at a time and one employer at a time.

Customised Employment has been successful in supporting the transition from school to work. It has been proven to deliver jobs that are a good fit for both the employee and the employer, creating improved employee satisfaction and productivity, whilst meeting the needs of business. 


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Customised Employment has four
essential components


Gathering information to determine the job seekers interests, skills and preferences related to potential employment that guide the development of a customised job

Job Development and Negotiation

Working collaboratively with job seeker and the employer to negotiate a customised job. This would ensure they fill the unmet needs of the employer, matched with the young person's interests and skills. The negotiation would include the provision of supports and the conditions necessary for success.

Job Search Planning

Developing a plan toward meaningful employment and build a list of potential employers from the information learnt in the discovery stage.

Post-Placement Support

Setting up on-going supports and monitoring the employment relationships to ensure it is working for both the individual and the employer.


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