The NCED is an enabling
and capability hub

The National Collaboration on Employment and Disability (NCED) was established by the Brotherhood of St Laurence (BSL) in 2023 in response to BSL’s vision to deliver a more inclusive and equitable society in Australia and give everyone the opportunity to thrive.

The NCED has a clear vision and is evolving the work of Ticket to Work into a national leadership role that supports collaboration and capability building across disability and mainstream education, training, and employment services so that young people with disability can successfully transition from education into decent, secure, and meaningful work.

To do this we need to address the culture of low expectations for young people with disability and address the system-level issues that result in them falling through the cracks.

This includes:
  • Supporting job development and customisation in local communities to meet needs of individual employers and job seekers
  • Access to opportunities and pathways including early and real experiences of work
  • Implementing a collaborative, multisectoral, place-based approach that creates employment outcomes and aligns effort and investment across systems
  • Inclusive education and training pathways with access to work-based learning opportunities
  • Flexible income support to enable smooth transitions between education and work while meeting health needs
  • Human Rights and Inclusion so that young people with a disability can access to opportunities and pathways that other young people do.

Our pilot project, Inclusive Pathways to Employment (IPE) , is finding ways to do this in employment services at four locations across metro and regional Australia.

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